Friday, October 2, 2009

"How To Love Yourself More"

Ever wondered about loving yourself more?

Here's a short article on "How To Love Yourself More"

Love is so much more than the word used to denote it.

To many it is just a word.
A word that signifies pain, lies, hurt and so many other similar conditions.
To others, the word love conjures scenes of fairy tales and castles in the sky.
Living happily ever after.

The first thing to look at - do you see love as the substance of pain and lies and deception of others?
Or do you see it as the light of delusion in a fairy tale world?

What's your first reaction?
What does your gut tell you?

Substance or light?
Is love painful?
Or is love a fairy tale?
Once you know which of these two you tend to gravitate towards, then you can work with it.

Here's how:-

If your initial tendency is to gravitate more towards the substance - if you believe love is painful - then sense yourself walking into the 'mud' of love's pain.
Keep walking.
Feel the stories you tell yourself about 'how love is'.
About how love 'always goes'.

Feel it as intensely as you possibly can.

Then walk out the OTHER SIDE of the mud.
Imagine yourself being lifted into the light of love.
Be filled with the light-ness of love.

Feel that feeling as long as you can:-
You, in the light of love.

Maybe spend five minutes on the whole experience.
Just find a quiet time and space, perhaps turning off the phone and the lights, so you'll have a few minutes alone.
Relax your body and your heart and your mind.
Get centered.
Then start by imagining the 'mud' that makes up love.

If you do this, you will be balancing out your love -
so you'll be able to feel more of it.

Or, if you tend to see love as more of a fairy tale
- start by feeling yourself being drawn into the clouds.
Imagine yourself floating through those light clouds.
Feel whatever feelings come up, as intensely as you can.
Prince Charming, Cinderella, whatever...

Then imagine yourself going all the way THROUGH those clouds and out the other side.
Next, see yourself descending down to the ground and into the substance of love.
Surround yourself and fill yourself with any and all feelings and thoughts that come up.
Stay there as long as you can.

Again, the whole exercise need take no more than five, maybe ten minutes maximum.

That's how you balance the light and substance of your love.
It's one way to feel more love.

Also, start giving yourself permission to feel the love.
Otherwise, you probably won't be feeling much of it.

You can't just say the words.
You've got to really mean it.

"I truly and honestly give myself permission to feel more of my love."
Be deliberate; forceful; in charge.

"Subconscious mind - I'm speaking to you!
I give myself permission to feel the light of my love and the substance of my love.
I want you to start breaking down the walls that stand between me and my love."

I give myself permission.

That's the second thing you can do to feel more love.
Practice giving yourself permission to feel the love.

"I give myself permission to feel the love."

You can NOT say it too many times!
Ten times a day, minimum, wouldn't hurt.
Could you say it once an hour, and mean it?

I give myself permission to feel the love.

Could you write those words down in big bold letters on a piece of paper and tape it to your mirror?
It can help.

For best results, also spend time to balance out your love.
This will help remove the 'twist' and the 'weight' that we all put on love...

So you can experience a cleaner version of your love –
so you will *want* to feel more of it.

The permission and the balance.
They feed on each other.

Practice these two simple techniques and watch the love in your life increase.
The more love you allow, the more others will love you.

The more love you feel, the better and the easier your life will become.
The more powerful you become.
The more emotional muscle you'll have.
You will become stronger on the inside.
You will drift less.

You can anchor to your love.
It can be part of the foundation for your life.

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