Monday, June 8, 2009


Making mistakes are an integral part of living, learning and growing. We all make them.

The question is, what do you do after the blunder?
As a child, if you were made to feel like a failure, you most likely believe you are inadequate and often give up.
If you were told that mistakes were inevitable and you were encouraged to try harder the next time, you probably have a better attitude.

If you feel depleted and defeated after making a mistake make up your mind today to change your mind set.
Realize that mistakes are lessons in disguise.
They are your chance to achieve better results next time armed with knowledge you didn't have before.

The more you avoid doing what needs to be done, the more burdensome you make each moment.
Those things you've put off until later can build up and drag you down with regret, worry and negativity.
Putting something off until later is ertainly no way to free yourself from it.
Instead, such procrastination and avoidance actually extends and expands whatever it is you desire to avoid.

One of the most liberating things you can do is to free yourself from the gnawing burden of a task you've been avoiding.
And the way to achieve such freedom is simply by going ahead and doing what needs to be done.

Rather than continuing to worry about it, rather than putting your energy into making excuses and rationalizations, just go ahead and do whatever you've been putting off.
The sooner you get it done, the better off you'll be.

Just think how great you're going to feel when it's done.
Imagine how great it will be to free your energy, your mind and your spirit from the burden of procrastination that has been hounding you.

Don't worry for another minute about something you've been putting off.

Go ahead, make the effort, and enjoy the immense freedom and satisfaction of already having it done.

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