Friday, July 10, 2009

Things that make life happy...

...standing at the edge of a forest with the leaves of the trees beckoning you in like welcoming hands explore the wonders of nature

...a hug from a loved one

...the smell of clean sheets

...a warm smile from a stranger

...singing (go figure!)

...the taste of a fresh strawberry

...Clean Fun on AOL

...Knowing where your teenagers are when you lay down to sleep at night.

...the sound of a child's laughter

...the dew on the fields in early morning

...feeling the presence of my Angel's around me, to protect me

...The smile you get in return when smiling at someone

...A hug, being able to be there for a friend or stranger in their time of need....

.... a hug from someone you love

...a child's smile

...birds singing

...waves lapping on the shore

... a puppy wagging it's tail

...daffodils in the Spring

... a card from an old friend who you haven't had contact with for years, just as if it was yesterday

...ducks landing on a pond

...the look of a child , when surprised

...your dentist tells you , no cavities


...Waking up in the morning with thoughts of that special man in my life.

...Listening to my daughter singing You are my Sunshine to me.

...the cuddle and giggle of a child

...the embrace of a man that truly loves you

...the warmth you feel when you have been able to help someone with a problem childrens' faces

...summer sunsets

...crashing waves

...knowing that I finally found my one true love (even if I can't be with him/her)

...a cool breeze on a balmy night

...the sound of a slot machine hitting the jackpot

...feel healthy

...a happy story in the paper amidst all the bad ones


...a good book

...a warm summer day

...the smell of spring

...the smell of the ocean

...sleeping in

...having my husband brush my hair unexpected breeze on a summer day latte

...trolley swaying robe with fringe sweet peas

...smell of sage coming from the oven on Thanksgiving

...high heels

...When things work out RIGHT for a change.

...The smell of fresh cut grass

...a random act of kindness

... getting flowers unexpectadly from that special someone

...Knowing your friends really care about you

...Getting my name inside an AOL "hug" {{{{{{{{{MY NAME}}}}}}}}

...Watching "Touched by an Angel" and being touched by the ending

...Having my first child

...a warm towel out of a shower

...receiving a rose "just because"

...playing in a summer shower

...wading in the surf on a moonlite night

...seeing a bird drink at your birdbath on a hot summer day

...a quilt, a cup of hot chocolate, your hubby and a swing on your front porch

...a sunset at the beach spam in your e-mail unexpected visit from your sons (they just drove 400 miles to see you smile)

...a warm fire, when you come in from working in the rain in winter

Giving oneself and receiving from a best friend

...while out shopping, you find you have one more check

...telephone answering machines when you're having supper

...and unexpected "thank you" mother kissing me on my forehead

...hearing an "I love you" from someone who has never said it before

...watching babies sleep

...people that make you smile just by being near you

...Daddy's with their little girls on their shoulders

...affectionate families

...people that look out for one another

...watching the sunset with the one you love

...walking in my garden in early morning grand-daughter asleep on my lap

...memories of the smell of my Mom's cooking 17 yr old son not being afraid to hug me in public

...Finding a hummingbird nest

...Licking the bowl when making chocolate chip cookies


...Flowers blooming in my garden that I planted myself.

...Butterflies and hummingbirds.

...Cuddling with my cat.

...Finally deciding that being "just me" is good enough for anyone. And I only have to please that lady who looks back at me in the mirror each day. The rest of friends, lovers, relatives are frosting on a very wonderful cake called life.

...Hearing my dad say "I'm proud of you" and knowing that he means it

...Having a husband that trusts me.

...Hearing job weel done

...having your grandson let you hug him for no reason

...Spending time with your closest friends, that you don't get to see very often.

...When your 17 yr. old wishes to spend time with his mom, rather than go out with his friends.

...Having your mom as a BEST friend!

...Having your son as a best friend!

..When your 17 yr. old son calls you from another state just so you can hear a song on the radio that reminded him of you!

...laying on the couch with my 3 girls and snuggling and them saying "mommy, you are a good mom."

...Hearing your young child laugh in another room when you know they are alone.

...Snow lightly falling on Christmas eve be lucky enough to have people who know you so well they are able to make you laugh even when you're crying

...finally knowing what being loved by a partner feels like

...being in love

...being able to help others

...watching the whales play at sunset

...snuggling under a homemade quilt

...twinkling stars

...Coming back home after being away at college for four long years and realizing there is nothing as great as a family that not only loves each other....but LIKES each other

...Being in the Eastern Sierra: the booming wind, the smell of sage and chamisa, the bright sun in an empty deep blue sky, and the snowfields on gray granite.

...Living in a place where all roads lead to neighbors.

...a full moon, a perfect crescent moon, riding a Harley on a summer night, puppy breath, a baby's kiss

...having your husband as a BEST FRIEND.

...Knowing Jesus realy does exist and that Jesus really does love me!!

...Online friends who keep writing after many years

...knowing that your bills are caught up for the month.

...Acting your shoe size!

...Waking up in the morning, and hurry out of bed only to realize it's saturday and you don't have to be at work.

...the sight of my beautiful wife

...just watching my kids play

...raking fall leaves

...Memories of a road trip to the coast with your best friend that is also your girlfriend that you love.

...being with your family.

...being on holiday with your family and all feeling happy at the same time.

...nursing a sick animal back to health. unexpected gift for no reason.

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